Monday, March 23, 2015

Organized Exhaustion: A Day In The Life Of A Full Time Working Mommy

Hey guys!

I've been posting monthly updates of Alden. I feel like I need to give you guys additional content in between those posts. There will be times when I am too busy and cannot, but today, I've got some time. :)

I'd like to post today about my daily schedule/routine/life. Things definitely change when you become a parent and there is really no way to get around that. There is also no way to prepare for it either.

I kept saying that the lack of sleep I was getting during pregnancy was preparing me for being up at night with a baby. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! Still to this day after having a baby for 3 months I feel absolutely run down and exhausted!

I'm just going to post a timeline below of how my day pans out (most days).

3:00 AM: Alden wakes up for his middle of the night snack.

4:30 AM: This is usually around the time when Alden decides he needs some mama snuggle time and gets fussy. He's not hungry, he just needs mama! (oh and FYI he is now sleeping in his rock n play next to the bed instead of co-sleeping!) What baby wants... baby gets!

5:30 AM: Alarm one goes off and is immediately turned off. :)

5:50 AM: Alarm two goes off and is also immediately turned off!

6:10 AM: This is generally when I roll over, see what time it is and fly out of bed like a mad woman! My intentions are really to get up at 5:50.. but hey, I'm human.. I enjoy sleeping.

6:11 AM: This is when I change Alden's diaper and clothes, and TRY to make his curly hair not look like such a mess!

6:15 AM: I bring Alden back into my room, sit down in bed and feed him his "breakfast"

6:45 AM: Alden is generally done eating by this point, so I throw a jacket on him and buckle him into his car seat while Chris gathers up everything a baby needs to survive the day! I then tell Alden goodbye and kiss him about a thousand times and then daddy and baby are out the door!

6:50 AM: I hop in and try to take a quick shower, but the water always feels so nice!

7:00 AM: This is when I start doing my hair. So I know I have short hair and this doesn't seem like it should take long, but I have thick annoying hair that never wants to do what I want it to do and therefore it takes longer than one might think.

7:30 AM: Make-up time!

7:40 AM: Breakfast and packing up my things for the day.

7:55 AM: This is when I let the dogs out and then spend the time in silence getting dressed. If you didn't know... I have some LOUD dogs.

8:05 AM: This is my biggest battle of the day (no lie). Sunny and Sizzles are always waiting at the door for me to let them in. Saydee however is a big brat. This dog will stand in the middle of the yard and stare at you. You can call her 700,000 times to come get her treat and she just stands there like a statue. Eventually I end up walking away and waiting on her to make her way onto the porch so I can drag her inside! If I could leave her out I would but she HATES my next door neighbors dogs and so they are constantly fighting if they are out.

8:15 AM: I am out the door and on my way to work.

8:55 AM: I park in the parking garage and start my trek to the office.

9:05 AM: Finally my work day begins!

11:00 AM: Starbucks/ Stupid Good run! I NEED MY COFFEE!

11:30 AM: Pump time! This is also when I sit around watching Youtube videos for 20 minutes.

2:00 PM: Lunch and pump time! I've been watching Friends during this time too so that's fun!

4:45 PM: Wrapping up my work day and heading to the car!

5:10 PM: I arrive at the pick up spot and get my sweet baby boy! Then we spend an hour driving in traffic and I PRAYYYY that Alden either a) Falls asleep or b) is totally chill and fine with the long ride.

6:00 PM: Yay we are home! now its time to cook, clean, feed Alden, feed the dogs, do that load of laundry I kept putting off...

7:00 PM: Time to eat and watch our shows if we have any that night.

8:00 PM: Bath time for Alden(if it's bath night)

9:00 PM: Time to feed Alden and put him to bed!

9:30 PM: Wash my face, brush my teeth, pick out Alden's outfit for the next day.

10:00 PM: Time for mommy to go to sleep!

So that is my schedule give or take. I genuinely thought my body would adjust at some point but it doesn't. Plus it doesn't help that once my body finally gets somewhat adjusted to Alden's sleep pattern he switches things up on me.

As exhausted as I am from waking up in the middle of the night to feed Alden, I refuse to give up breastfeeding :) It's free and I don't even have to get out of bed or prepare anything for him to eat.

One day, years from now I'm going to look back and miss these moments, so I try to just push through the exhaustion and keep on going!

A mommy's work is NEVER done and honestly... I'm OK with that!

Thanks for reading guys!

My next post will be about my relationship with my handsome husband!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Month Two...

Hello to my awesome readers!

So today Alden is 12 weeks old and officially 3 months on Monday! The time is flying like you wouldn't believe. So much has changed since my last post and I've fallen even MORE in love with Alden since then as well!

For starters, he now smiles for things OTHER than gas. When he sees people he knows he will smile at them. It is such an incredible feeling to have your baby see you after being at work all day and smile at you.

I've been able to watch him go from making little cooing sounds, to learning that his voice has different tones. He's recently started shouting now so he will randomly just let out a big AHHHHHHHHHHH! Its so adorable!

We finally got to lose the mittens a few weeks ago too! I tried it right around a month and half and within 24 hours he made a huge scratch on his cheek so the hands got covered back up. I tried it again one day and he has done great! Let me just say though that baby nails grow at some sort of supersonic warp speed! I can cut them super short and file them down, then the next day they feel like little talons again!

I'm back at work now and it has been tough. I seriously feel like I drop him off with my mother in law and when I get him back he has grown! It's insane how fast they grow. Before I know it we will be celebrating his first birthday!

The only other thing that has really changed is that I've had to start supplementing with formula. I never ever EVER wanted to give him formula but when I went back to work and started pumping my body just wasn't producing enough. During feedings we do just fine. His pediatrician said that pumping just doesn't have the same result as when a baby is feeding. I was really hard on myself about this because boobs are meant to be a buffet for babies. I didn't realize that pumping doesn't do justice like Alden does! The important thing is that he is still getting breast fed EVERY DAY and on the weekends ALL DAY! I am proud of myself for not giving up thus far even though my plans have had to be adjusted.

One thing that has helped me get through this problem is being a part of some breast feeding pages. I see women everyday posting about having the SAME issue as me, or worse and it lets me know that all we can do as breastfeeding mamas is try our best! If you are a mama who can go a year (or more) breastfeeding without forumla then GO YOU! If you have start supplementing formula when you are away from your baby like me, that's OK too. Lastly if for some reason you just don't produce enough milk or even choose not to breast feed that is OK! It is YOUR choice and you should never let anyone other than yourself and your baby's needs weigh in on your decision!

 I will say that being able to breastfeed is something we as women should be INCREDIBLY proud of! It is not easy and it is painful at first. If you see a mama breastfeeding you should give her a dang high five because it's tough! Just remember that there are women out there who's supply dries up for whatever reason and they might be struggling or feeling like a failure like I was. We as women and mommys need to step up and encourage one another rather than try to one up the lady next to us!

Well anyways.. I guess I am done with this post. Now its picture time!!!

 Me and my sweet Family! :)

 Just hanging with mama!

 My first Valentine's Day!

Bundled up for this winter weather!

Thanks for reading you guys! :)