Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Morning Sickness? More like ALL DAY SICKNESS!

Hi guys!
So here I am in week 6. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I got an app that is AWESOME! It tells you how big the baby is (Lentil), new changes that might be occurring and things to come. Of course I started reading ahead to see the size progression of the baby and different symptoms and stuff. It says most women start getting morning sickness around week 6. Now last week I would feel sort of sickly if I ate too much, or if I was hungry but nothing I couldn't manage. I swear my body flipped a switch on Monday and said "alright woman... guess what, it's miserable time!" I was having hot flashes which made me feel nauseous. I was trying to straighten my hair and I was getting so upset because I just did not feel good! That feeling lasted all day! Yesterday it was a little worse. Today... has been... AWFUL! I barfed a little while brushing my teeth which totally defeats the purpose of brushing your teeth, I was so dizzy on my way to work. No amount of snacks or cheese or green tea lattes has helped me! So I caved. I called my Dr. and asked to PLEASEEEEEEEEEE get me something for this nausea business because mama needs to work, and right now mama can't concentrate because baby is stirring up some sort of chemical ruckus in me! I'm waiting for a call back from the nurse to say my prescription is at the store. Oh I need some relief! I don't know how women deal with this business without medication. Its misery! I don't know who reads this, and I don't know if everyone reading this has had babies yet... but if you haven't and you're curious to know what it feels like to have morning sickness... let me share it with you the only way I can think to compare this to. So you know the whole "liquor before beer in the clear/ beer before liquor never been sicker" saying? Well I'm sure we've all been dumb enough to drink beer before liquor, or in my case malt beverages. Or we've mixed a lot of different liquors which normally doesn't set well. So sometimes you throw up while partying.. and usually feel better. The worst thing is to keep on drinking after right? So when you keep on drinking after you throw up you might be OK... but the next morning all hell will break loose! I say this because I did that, on my birthday, last year. The day after I woke up and thought I had died and I kept thinking " I'm gonna barf.. I just know it!" Even though most of the time you don't actually throw up.. you just feel miserable until the next day. Well that's what it's like to have morning sickness: You feel super hungover all day long, sometimes you barf, sometimes you don't. The only difference is that a new day does NOT come.. because you start the hangover feeling all over again the next day! YIKES! So to the ladies who don't get morning sickness, please count your lucky stars. To the women who do get it, but don't take anything... y'all are some strong mamas because I refuse to feel this way!
I'm not craving anything today, although Sunday I was craving shells and cheddar and a pepperoni Totinos pizza. Yes I indulged! That's why pregnant women don't belong in a grocery store! We are bound to come home with tons of stuff that we don't need.

Well I guess that's all for this week :)

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