Thursday, October 9, 2014

Week 29: Last week in my 20's!

Hey Guys!

It's Thursday which means its time for another post!

There hasn't been much going on this week. I haven't done anything interesting!

I can tell you that I have been miserable this week. Quite honestly the most miserable I have been since becoming pregnant. I feel HUGE, my feet are starting to swell now matter shoes I wear, my hips hurt constantly, my back hurts constantly.

Alden seems to be moving constantly as well and so sometimes as much as I love feeling him and knowing he is OK, I get REALLY frustrated. There are so many times where I just want to cry at this point.


So I do have a semi-interesting story, if that's what you want to call it, that happened to me yesterday:

I was getting ready to leave for work and the last thing I do before walking out the door is getting my dogs in the house, getting them their treats and getting Saydee ( my almost 1 year old pit bull) into her kennel. Now I'm not sure if she hates me or if she just likes being difficult, but lately she has become a little annoying to get into her kennel. She doesn't do this annoying stuff with Chris but with me.. boy does she work my nerves.

I was trying my HARDEST to convince her to come inside the house, but she was just standing at the door looking at me like I was an idiot. Finally I walked away and she came inside. Well.. that's all fine and dandy but now I need to get her in her dang kennel! I kept showing her her treat and that wasn't doing the trick. Now I've got Sunny trying to take the treat out of my hand. I was hoping maybe she would get upset over this and come running to get the treat and I could trap her. NOPE! She loves Sunny so much that he can do no wrong in her eyes!

Finally after about 10 minutes, constant baby talking, and Sunny crawling into her kennel and stealing her treat, I GOT HER IN THAT DANG KENNEL! I grabbed my things and walked out into the garage to get in my car. I immediately felt like I was going to throw up everywhere! I got in the car anyways and had a few sips of water and hit the road. Well I made it about 3 blocks before I realized I did not feel well enough to hit the highway. I started to head back home, got halfway there and then decided that I needed to suck it up and go anyways! Chris called me and I was just bawling my little eyes out. He giggled when I told him I had already started to go back home and then turned back around and headed back to work again!

Finally I decided I needed to go home to at least chill out for a while before going to work. Who would have thought that a ridicilous chain of events would have occurred all because my bratty dog was being difficult! I ended up going to to work about an hour and half late. Luckily my job is awesome and they are understanding! :)

That's about it for this week! Just me being cranky, whiny, annoying and uncomfortable. Welcome to the final months of pregnancy!

Next week I'll have my 30 week appointment so should be more fun!

Thanks for reading!

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